Saturday, 30 August 2014

Today is life....

As the time passes we tend to forget that Today is more important than Tomorrow. Life is a rush, nobody has time for nobody. In these busy days people have forgot to live their life Today. I was also among such people few days back but I realized the essence of living life. Coming to Bangalore has made a drastic change in my life and that too positive one. Each and every day is great here. Don't know how but somehow it was clear to me that I am changing, I am trying to identify the real Me. 
In this one month only, I have met lot of people, communicated with them, tried to understand their perspective and lot of other things and realized that I was far away from the world for so many days. I like this change. :)

I always used to think that this is not the correct time to do anything but now I think for everything this is the correct time, the time when you want to do it , the time when you are happy to do it. I met with people like Kebir Swaminathan Iyer, Nancy James and Gaurav Mathur, who to a lot of extent changed the way of my thinking. Life is very short to do anything or to understand anything. Ages go on and you are sometimes not able to understand a person. Sometimes communication becomes so difficult that you fear to face the consequences of saying what your heart says to you. 

Life has become so busy that everyone is involved in one's own Cabin. After so many experiences that I have got since 1 year I learnt that real happiness is not in running behind wealth or luxury or worldly assets, rather happiness is in talking to a dear friend who has a special place in your heart, watching a baby who smiles and cries for small reasons, the innocence, the nature, care of parents, love of your friends and smile on someone's face. All these things can bring much more happiness to you than any other worldly thing. The inner joy can only be achieved if you really are able to make yourself happy for No reason.
Problems are never going to end. They are a part of your life, if they are not there you would not be able to grasp the happiness so happily when it comes to you. Whatever you want to do, do with all your heart and mind. Opportunities are never ready to knock on your door. You are the one who is going to build a door where opportunity can knock.Identifying your ability, knowing it and then actually working on it is not a cup of tea for everyone, its really a tough task. Very few people can actually do it and who does it can see what positive results it has for their life. 
'Quitting is an option, but sustaining is always a choice'- This line said to me by Kebir has insisted me think on it and really it has a deep meaning. It seems as if every day we are here to learn something to understand something. it only needs one thing-" To stay calm" because 'You can never see deep through disturbed water'. So you need to be calm to go till depth. You need to be very happy to enjoy each second.
At last I just want to say, keep smiling friends, life is ready to give a lot of experiences whether happy or sad just except them and move ahead with a positive curve on your face and live to a brim.


  1. Great post and great thoughts as you embark on this new journey of your life.

  2. Happy new year wishes in advance. Hope you find time to post during the holidays.

  3. no posts for a long time?

  4. It is almost a year since your last post :-(

  5. it is more than year now since your last post :-(

  6. Hope that 2015 turned out great for you. Happy 2016 to you.

  7. Have you given up on this blog? Please take some time to post the latest updates.

  8. please post soon - it has been 2 years. I am sure there would be many things to write about.

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